She has been feeling fine but while we were home she was finding it a little hard to breath. We really thought nothing about it. We all said "It must be Utah allergies." "You know our family, we have bad lungs, remember Grandma Jackson?" "We are all heavy breathers."
Anyway when she got back to Texas she didn't feel better so she went in to have it checked out. The news is not good. The cancer is back and it is all over. She had lots of fluid in her lungs and some big masses in there, which is what was causing the breathing issues. It is in her liver. Her bones, and joints and just pretty much everywhere.
It was a blow and we were told they would probably give her 6 months. She is only 47. It was so sad. Further test showed that this cancer was from the same strain as her original breast cancer. They thought they had got it all but I guess not. Stupid cancer it doesn't play fair. The good news is even though they can't cure it, they think, since they have done it once maybe they can get her into remission again. So now we are all hoping for the gift of time.
I really felt the need to go home and see her. So that is where I have been.
On a happier note my little sister decided to get married. So I flew in to Salt Lake City for a few days for a wedding before heading to Texas.
It was a great trip full of much growing. Some of which I would rather not do. So at the age of 35 I feel like I am having some major growing pains. Ahhh Life! What more can I say.
Juliana & Jarek with mom and dad. I am so glad that I was there.
Here's a crazy coincidence. I was in Salt Lake City the same time that Tiffany(now in Maryland) and Nicki( now in Washington state) were there. We all got together and went to lunch and then they took me to the airport. I can not think of a better time to see two great friends. The really made me feel strong. What a blessing.
Here we are ready to go out.
Micheal, Joydell, and Christmas.
Billy and Micheal carving a pumpkin.
Micheal and Christmas taking a nap. They are best friends.
What do you get when your mom's name is Joyce ,
and your dad's name is Gardell and your the first girl born.
You get named Joydell.
It was so good to see her again.
We had a lot of Laughs, just as many tears and made some priceless memories.I also learned to never waste a minute. Time is truly a gift, use it wisely.