Chinese Acrobats. These people were amazing. I can see why their gymnastics team kicks butt. They are built so compact. Although they do seem so be a little more curvy then the Koreans.
Emma skipping on the wall. The tour guide gave us a choice between an easier climb and a steep climb but better view. She said if we had little kids we should stay on the easier climb. We went the hard way and the kids did far better then the adults. It was so steep and allot of work but it was really cool.
Now whats for dinner.
This is me with our Korean tour guide. This was our last dinner it is called hot pot. Everyone gets their own hot pot(even the kids it was a little scary) The pot has water in it and then they come and light the flame under it and you just start adding what ever ingredients that you want. It was crazy. It is really hot plus you get on set of chop sticks to add the raw meat with and then to also eat with. This would never work in America. Still it was O.K. and a great experience.
One night was all dumplings. it was cool because they all had a different shape. Emma is holding a pig. We had duck, fish , shark fin,walnut, and a few other ones.

Here is the fish one.One night we stopped for street food. nasty but a fun opportunity.
Harold and Logan ate a whole scorpion(they fry them first) Caleb tried the tail and I ate a cricket leg. That was all I could get down. Miranda's friend ate 2 whole crickets (or are those grass hoppers?).
We took a flight to see the Terracotta soldiers. It was pretty cool. That emperor was crazy. I wonder how he got them to do all that for him.
remember these from the Olympics? They are huge.
Speaking of the Olympics here is a shot of The birds Nest
From our tour guide we learned that in china you have to retire at 55 so at the parks we saw a lot of retired people. The were playing insturments, singing, dancing, doing Tai Chi, playing games. It looked like fun, they were very friendly. I just wish they would have paid us a dollar for every picture they took with Emma. One lady kept saying "good luck to take picture with her" Emma did pretty good but was really getting tired of it by the end.
One of the funniest thing that i learned there was the concept of split pants and squatty potties. It was really hard to use those. Koreans have them too but they seem to be more modernized here so there are almost always normal ones also. I really hated them but I guess if you get used to them maybe they are not so bad.

Now as for split pants. When a baby turns one they are out of diapers and in to split pants. It was so cute to see all those little cheeks. I guess it just makes the process quicker. I tried several time to get a good shot but was to slow. Plus I didn't know if it was rude or not.
here she is from the frontthere's a shot from the back. Darn 12 was in the way. It just made me think of how we all take a different approach to life's little adventures.
My SIL and her husband (the fancy pants attorney) live in Beijing and just visited Xian in the last couple of weeks. So fun - I wish I was with you. You should tell me about all of your travels before hand so I have time to come over and freeload.
So T is going to PI in a couple of months. Actually he's doing a PDSS there in May and then going over with 1st Group in July? Anyway, what say you about taking a trip to Manilla with me??? :-)
Is he going to see your husband over there?
We should chat.
It looks like you guys had a fun trip! I love all the pictures...however I can't believe you guys ate that! GROSS! lol. What an awesome experience for your kids! Glad you're back! ;)
I love your pictures! My Aunt goes to China every once in a while to the places my family is from. I so wish I could go there.
I thought I was going to vomit looking at all that street food. Dumplings I can handle. You guys are so adventurous, I am jealous of your fun travels, but not jealous of the food!
I am totally jealous. Wow!! Unbelievable. I am so happy for you. You didnt buy any split pants?
that was the most entertaining post! I find the split pants more sickening than the food...what if some little child can't make it to the toilet in time?!
We took the same trip but didn't do the terra cotta soldiers. What a great experience!
Mandi we did see someone holding their little split pants child over the trash can. I guess that is what you do when they have a BM and there is no potty in site.
That looks like it was such a fun vacation. Those toilets are funny aren't they, one of my japanese exchange students had pictures of those she showed me one time. At that time I thought it was really funny, but they actually say it's much easier to get all the waste out, when you poop in that position. Not that you wanted to know, but I think it's funny!
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