Oct 22, 2008

Are they slowly cooking us?

So the other day I filled up the van and it came up to 50$ and I thought"only 50$ " What the heck A few years ago i would have sat down and cried. So I was thinking about that story you hear about the frog in the pot. You know the one. Something about slowly cooking the frog without it being aware. In a few years will we even blink at a 90 $ tank of gas. Or maybe will run on corn by then.


Suzanne said...

What the heck?? What do you drive? Our tank is ALWAYS $90+ to fill. And we are so happy now because gas prices are down to $3.12. I remember paying 89 cents a gallon in California not even ten years ago. (Now I sound like one of those grandpas who talk about the days when a candybar was a nickel).

Kristin D. said...

I agree with you. I am hoping for cars that don't run on gas soon.

Rachel said...

I remember being upset when we got to Germany that we had to pay $35 to fill up the van...it was SO expensive, but yeah I filled up for $49 last week and about jumped up & down for joy.

Cindy said...

WOW I want your fuel bill. We have diesel vehicles. NOw that gas has went down it usually costs us about 175$ to fill up. Pretty crazy

Melani said...

HAH! I hope we are running off corn..then we can just grow fuel in our yards.

Jennefer said...

You are right. I just throw money at the gas guy now. Life savings. Gone to the gas guy.

I try not to drive that much- unless I am forced to (grocery store). I have always hated to drive. I didn't get in 15 car accidents my first driving year for nothing. It was a planned protest.

Personally I vote no for corn Ethanol and yea for Biodeisel.

Corn is slowly taking over the world. It's a conspiracy. I am not kidding. Corn is evil. ha ha

Allison said...

So true!!
Your blog is so fun!

Team Pettijohn said...

You are so right...I'm starting to feel the burn!