Feb 16, 2009

Our year so far

Miranda blew it! Seriously that is a big bubble. She has so much talent. Plus she cut her hair. And got some A's on exams. I can't complain.

Emma Goes the extra mile. I helped her with her homework and then had to leave. The assignment was to write three sentences about a book we had read. I came home and she had done a few more then that. She said she could get extra credit. In first grade! Does she need meds?

Also that same day she decided to mark her scriptures. What! I need to remember what I fed her that day and feed it to her everyday.

Logan goes for the Gold!We survived another Derby. Poor little Lo had less then impressive results but hey he was smiling when we left so, it's all good. We discovered after the race that his car was much faster with one wheel missing(it "just fell off" after he drove it off the table a few times) and backwards. So after the offical race, when they were all just messing around, he had a moment to shine. The gold one is his.

Sweet Music for Caleb Caleb got moved into advanced Band. He is not a real fan of school so band has been great for him. Since he no longer gets recess, band is his favorite thing about school. He really seems to enjoy his Sax so any news here is good news.


Rachel said...

Fill me in on what you are feeding emma, I need a little extra mile help in the David Jr. department...he tries to get away with doing his homework on the bus as sloppily as possible so he can play after school.

Harold said...
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Darsha said...

Logan is a on the go homework doer also. I keep telling him that i can't read what he writes when he is sitting at a table so writing on the bus is really not a good idea. Still if he does it on the bus he can squeeze out a few more minutes of play time. I am not going to win this battle.

Mandi said...

I loved the updates on everyone....Miranda is so beautiful...yikes! she is growing up.

Linda said...

Miranda's haircut is fantastic! I loved this update on your kids--why do they keep growing up?