It is a unsettling feeling to see all that you own packed in boxes and crated. All ready to go on a ship to a home you don't have.
I can't believe how much Koreans can carry. I mean they aren't very big people. This carry on the back thing is crazy. My friend said when her dryer broke one man came and carried it away(down the stairs and everything) like this.
So here is the wall of growth. This wall brings tears to my eyes. I really am sad to leave it here. Man My kids have grown-up so much in a little over three years.
Last Beef and Leaf
We say good bye to one of our favorite Korean Meals.
Koreans Love their Kimchi. Really they do. They eat it for every meal. I may miss it a little but not the smell of it.
Harold found a Korean restaurant here in Albuquerque last week. He ate there for lunch. When He came home 6 hours later. The first thing I said to him is"why do you smell like Korea? He laughed so hard and told me where he had went for lunch.
Tuesdays with More(E)
This is my last Tuesday in Korea.
Tuesday's have a special meaning. A couple friends(sniff, Sniff)of mine decided that we were wasting to much time and we stared 'Tuesday's with More(E)'. You Know playing off the book. Every Tuesday we would get together and try to learn more. Mostly we would eat. Man, I miss them Every Tuesday. I need entertainment. Glad to have spent my last Tuesday with two of my friends. Kimberly and Jen. We had a great time. Good memories. We just drove around taking pictures.
sexy Santa
My kids think this is the funniest Santa ever. Logan came home and told me, after he had gone to sing at the Dragon Hill Lodge. "there is a Santa there and he is doing a sexy pose" Love it.
This cut out is hilarious. It is in the theater on Yongson. As luck would have it, and much to our joy, the building unlocked. Jen has always wanted pictures with this little man. I hope this is not illegal.
Jen with three
Here he is with Jen's hat. Priceless.
Also these metal MP's are a crack up.
Goodbye Korea.
Korea misses you too Darsha. :( If we come to the States for a visit this summer we will DRIVE from Colorado to Arizona so I don't have ANY excuses not to visit you. I miss you. love, k.
You have posted a photo of me licking his face! Hope we don't get kicked out of the army now. Sigh.
Remember that Walmart book that I wanted to show you? I found out that there is a website about it. You can see it here: People Who Shop At Walmart
I love the sorcerer of Walmart.
Not looking good to come to Las Vegas anymore. The Army isn't letting Mike leave early enough. Still not for sure though.
Miss you.
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