Sep 11, 2008

You might be in Korea if you see this on your way to work...............

I really wonder what the fatality rate is here for motorcycle drivers. How is that safe? I am amazed how much they can pack on a motorcycle.


amomma said...

Hilarious! What is all that crap? Hey, check out the blog. Might see a new baby here soon!

Cindy said...

I am so excited that you got a blog site. now we can keep in touch and see each others family. so you are in korea now when did you go there? hope to see you again someday.

Jody said...

Yeah, I believe Koreans call motorcycles "widowmakers." My mother told Hans before we got married to choose between her daughter and the bike.

Suzanne said...

I enlarged that picture and it sorta looks like cotton candy? Am I right? Is there an identify-the-crap prize? j/k. Motorcycles are widow makers and their riders are organ donors. Yikes.

Linda said...

That's insane--Jer says those look like masks or something in that picture and he also saw guys with stuff like 10 feet high on their motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic. By the way, are you driving there yet? Everytime Jer does something illegal on the road here, he calls it a "Korea Move". Jer also says you described the smell of Korea perfectly! That's nasty!

Jody said...

They look like piggy banks to me. . . so, where's the prize?