Nov 25, 2008

Aint she sweet

When my family was here I went out with my sisters and mom. I left the kids with my dad and Harold. Which is to say I left them pretty much on their own. When I came home Emma greeted me with"Come she what I did." .
I swear she did this all by herself.(I am pretty sure she learned it all from her big sister, at least the video part the rest, Hummm, I am not sure who taught her that.) Anyway Ana, here it is.


Taffers Dawn said...

OH WOW!!!!! That is great EMMA!! The guys will be impressed!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

For some reason I expected her to break out in to song or something. I was fully unprepared for that - I'm still stunned. Holy crow. I honestly can't stop laughing.

amy said...

can she burp the alphabet or say ET phone home. like her mom?

Jennifer said...

Seriously funny! I was also expecting something cute and girly. I bet you are SO proud.hehe

Kristin D. said...

That is Youtube worthy. It made my day so much brighter.

Mandi said...

she's not hiding her light under a bushel.

Cindy said...

wow thats some burp coming from a little girl. happy thanksgiving darsha

snapie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, from the Martinez family here in Arizona. That was impressive...most impressive!:P

Allison said...

I love how loud she burped and then giggled all sweet and innocent. That was so cute, and reminded me so much of her mommy! :) Glad you shared!

jcb said...

OMGoodness! That was most entertaining... Jason had me play it three times, just to get all that laughter in!

Jennefer said...

Oh My Gosh Darsha! hilarious -You must be so proud. I would be.

The Young's said...

Absolutely the best! Your family has so much talent.